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openWrt non-standard module compiling

Now I want to use an easycap DC60 device also on my NSLU2 with openwrt, so similar for sheevaplug i’ve to compile the module.

All the operations described here are executed on a standard i686 linux pc (debian).

Download openwrt 8.09.2 and default config file:

cd /usr/src/nslu2/test
svn checkout svn:// 8.09.2

go into 8.09.2 directory and

make menuconfig

now choose “Load an alternate config file and select ixp4xx.config” just downloaded, then

make V=99

When all done we have all things necessary.

In this example we try to compile easycap driver, but you can adapt it to any external modules:

cd /usr/src
wget “”
cd easycap_dc60.0.7.1
make clean

Edit src/MakeFile (vi src/Makefile) and replace KERNELDIR line with this:

KERNELDIR ?= /usr/src/nslu2/test/8.09.2/build_dir/toolchain-armeb_gcc4.1.2/linux-

we need to make a symbolic link to resolve an issue:

ln -s /usr/src/nslu2/test/8.09.2/build_dir/toolchain-armeb_gcc4.1.2/linux- /usr/src/nslu2/test/8.09.2/build_dir/linux-ixp4xx_generic/linux-

and now compile it:

make clean
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/src/nslu2/test/8.09.2/build_dir/armeb/OpenWrt-SDK-ixp4xx-for-Linux-i686/staging_dir/toolchain-armeb_gcc4.1.2/bin/armeb-linux-uclibc-

All done! 😉

Login to your nslu and copy the new kernel mod in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/media/video

scp /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/media/video
depmod -a

try to insmod it and enjoy 😉

With new version of easycap 0.8.3 there is some difference, when you have unzipped easycap source edit and just before the line:

make 1>>${WORKDIR}/make.out 2>>${WORKDIR}/make.err

insert an exit 0, so the script will terminate there. Now we can launch the script with KERNELDIR as parameter:

./ /usr/src/nslu2/test/8.09.2/build_dir/toolchain-armeb_gcc4.1.2/linux-

now some needed steps:

cd /usr/src/nslu2/test/8.09.2/build_dir/toolchain-armeb_gcc4.1.2/linux-

check in .config that MODVERSIONS is disabled and BIG_ENDIAN is enabled!

# make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/src/nslu2/test/8.09.2/build_dir/armeb/OpenWrt-SDK-ixp4xx-for-Linux-i686/staging_dir/toolchain-armeb_gcc4.1.2/bin/armeb-linux-uclibc- prepare
# make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/src/nslu2/test/8.09.2/build_dir/armeb/OpenWrt-SDK-ixp4xx-for-Linux-i686/staging_dir/toolchain-armeb_gcc4.1.2/bin/armeb-linux-uclibc- scripts/mod/

and then make it:

cd /usr/src/easycap_dc60.0.8.3
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/src/nslu2/test/8.09.2/build_dir/armeb/OpenWrt-SDK-ixp4xx-for-Linux-i686/staging_dir/toolchain-armeb_gcc4.1.2/bin/armeb-linux-uclibc-

now in src/easycap.ko we have the module for our NSLU2!

Attached here you can find the already compiled module for openwrt kamikaze 8.09.2


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